Scope of works:
Reclamation and Remediation Phase 1
Absolute Civil Engineering Ltd were engaged by the Client to carry out a Project Management role on the reclamation of the former Neptune shipyard at Wallsend, Tyne & Wear.
Duties primarily involved the management and co-ordination of reclamation activities as well as management of specialist subcontractors, liaison with the Client and Engineers as works progressed as well as the management of Health & Safety on site.
The reclaimed site was prepared for the construction of a new wind turbine manufacturing facility and associated offices and hard standings.
Principal activities included:-
- Setting-out, Surveying and Measurement Control of all works on site.
- Excavation and breaking of redundant slabs, piles and buried foundations.
- Protection of services.
- Bulk earthworks, excavation, filling and compaction of engineered fills to an end product specification to support follow on building works.
- Processing of artificial hard materials (crushing) to specified gradings for re-use in the works.
- Processing (screening) and conditioning (moisture content) of excavated and processed soils for re-engineering in the works.
- Management of water on site including tidal flows.
- Construction of ‘contiguous piled reinforced concrete retaining wall and RC capping beam to retain adjacent highway and facilitate sewer diversion works.
- NWL pumping main diversion and construction of new Pumping Station.
- Construction of new capping beam to existing river wall.
- Management of Health, Safety and Welfare on site.
Get a copy of the project report here.