Scope of works:
The scheme involved the construction of several new feature ponds at Leadgates Manor, and was procured on design and construct to an outline brief.
The requirement was for four separate ponds to be constructed with a sequence of weirs and cascades.
The water was to be re-circulated from the outlet by means of a pumped rising main.
Care had to be taken during the course of the works to minimise disturbance to the adjacent high quality lawn and planted areas.
The underlying strata consisted mainly of permeable soils and historical land drainage, consequently all the ponds had to be ‘lined.’
Principal activities included:-
- Excavation of ponds to required profiles and disposal of arisings off site.
- Investigation works and stopping up redundant drainage, conduits etc in works area.
- Clay lining (using imported clay) to ponds to receive pond liner.
- Installation and sealing of ‘rawmat’ pond liner and placement of protective clay cover and planting medium.
- Construction of foundations and feature weir walls using high quality stone and copings.
- Installation of pumping chamber and re-circulation pipe work including pipe, electricity ducting etc.
- Reinstatement of all works areas upon completion and commissioning of system.
Get a copy of the project report here.